Our Girls: Personality Updates


Hi, girls! We’ve enjoyed an amazing Thanksgiving weekend with the two of you and it has reminded me that I need to document your wonderful-ness and some of our favorite moments with you before our poor, old memories escape from us! You both are just the most incredible girls and you bring insurmountable joy to everyone you’re around but most especially to your Mommy and Daddy! Right now you are sleeping over at Gramma Bear’s, one of your favorite things to do, and this is the first one at her new house! I bet you’ll be waking up soon to spread some more laughter and joy. We love when you girls wake up! You are just so sweet and fun (most) mornings.

Now to recount some of our favorite things about you both!

Camille Jude- 3 years, 4 months

“I’m weally serious.”

Always pointing out the CVS on Santa Fe and 33rd, telling us that’s the place we always go and that mommy got you a smoothie there. We have no account of these memories in the rest of our brains and therefore we find it hilarious.

Just yesterday at the Kilburn thanksgiving you showed us the BEST workout. Seeing you do squats and shoulder presses with those weights was both incredibly adorable and impressive.

OMG! You started gymnastics this past year and ohhhhh the cuteness!!! You are SO good at swinging on the bar and kicking the ball before falling into to the foam pit. Your favorite thing is the zip line. Mom and Dad’s favorite thing is seeing you wave to us from afar. You really put your all into waving to us and I love seeing your mouth say the words “Hi Mommy!”

You’ve been potty trained for several months but you still wait until the very last minute to get to the potty sometimes and then pee while you’re setting up your little potty seat and everything. A lot of the time we still have to just make you go when we know it’s been a long time. Stubborn girl!

Though you’ve grown out of the full version of this one, we LOVE how you pray every night before the rosary saying “I like pway for…mommy, daddy, ediff, Bebe joey, gramma bear, gramma Bowen..” our old favorite “doggy pink fwiend.”

You love dresses but you shuffle through only a handful of the ones you own. You were pretty upset that the seasons changed because your summer “butterfly” and “flower” dresses were your very favorites that you wore repeatedly. Both were hand-me-downs of Edith’s! You like your dresses to be longer like big sis does. You don’t like change and you don’t want a lot! I’m always trying to get you to pick out new dresses but you refuse and say you don’t want anything.

You really are so simple and don’t ask for much when it comes to possessions. We’ve been coming up with Christmas lists lately and you stick to 2 things. You limit yourself in possessions already and you’re so young! So much like daddy. While Edith and I are over here thinking about new things we want on the reg! You actually asked Santa for something for Edith as one of your two things.

You don’t eat much, you aren’t even that crazy about sweets/desserts, and you are still so tiny!!! (Still squishy and soft like a baby) You’re better about eating healthy foods than Edy pie.

That curly hair 😍

You love to run. You like playing with your incredibles action figures and the princess figures. You love playing with babies. You still love legos and building things. You aren’t into puzzles as much as you used to be but you’re still so good at them!

You are so excited for baby Joey and you press your face against my belly and tell him you love him. You talk about him all the time!

Your favorite movies are The Star(we love how you yell out “Star!” when you hear any Christmas song from the movie), watching Dora from the library, The Grinch(you fall the Jim Carrey one the cartoon one and you will argue with us when we tell you that’s not right), & you used to LOVE Ferdinand.

Your favorite food is probably bread and peanut butter scoops. Ohhhh and BACON! You are crazy about bacon!

You still have quite a temper sometimes yet you are simultaneously the sweetest girl ever.

Every time mommy or daddy brushes your teeth you say “Do it soft, don’t do it hard” and you have a ritual where you stop us to give us a “ug” and a kiss on the cheek. Also relating to teeth brushing…you loved when we pretended to be robots and said “give me your toothbrush so I can brush your…” and now you repeat it all the time saying “so I can brush your bum bum!!” And giggle like crazy.

You live to fight daddy and are always getting the sword out to fight him.

You legit believe you have superhero powers and you give your all into fighting chase and Daddy with your fire, ice, and water powers. Ohhhh your face and strong arms when you are using your powers! So cute! You also use powers to open automatic doors.

Youre wild and fearless and always jumping off of things.

You call the church nursery your school and love when you get to go. You are totally cool with us leaving you at  child watch in the ymca.

When we do homeschool with Edith you ask to do your school, which is just a 3 minute YouTube video of “wheels on the bus” but it means the world to you.

Personal fav, you came into our bed the other night and laid between me and daddy and started to kick my leg pillow away and said “Mom, Dad, I need space.” Then about 2 seconds later you were pressing up against us.

Both girls:

You almost never want me to fix your hair. You don’t wear bows. And you definitely don’t let me pick your outfits.

You are seriously the best of friends. You can play mommy/daughter for HOURS. Daddy catches Edith feeding Camille pretend bottles in the bath.

Yes, you also get in fights almost daily but you make up pretty quick and next thing we know, you guys are cracking each other up again. We love how you both giggle together.

You love having daddy daughter dances and you dress up and walk slowly towards daddy, curtsying like princesses.

You love to make houses out of boxes, blankets, chairs, you name it and always in our living room.

You both love to color, paint, and draw.

You both wake up many nights and come into our bed, and kick off our covers, and take over all the space.

You are both really excited for having a baby brother!


Edith Reneè- 5 years, 7 months

hatchimal experience

your innocence

real life Disney Princess

you are sooooo loud and get really excited about things and scream a lot

you adore Christmas, Christmas music, thinking about Christmas, praying for snow, plan for Christmas year round

always surprising us, making us cards and little gifts

you love being secretive and working with daddy to surprise me with gifts like bath salts and chocolate

you love having hot cocoa dates

you LOVE all things sweet and go kinda crazy over it and you’re even crazier after you’ve eaten it!

You love fancy dresses and you’re always seeing new dresses you wish you had

you love doing anything to make things easier on others, even cleaning the floors so “that way daddy doesn’t have to do it”

you love to make us proud and you are so good at doing it!

you are incredibly smart and are dominating homeschooling this year. You get started in a book and don’t want to stop because you try to get through it as quickly as possible.

Your goal is to be the first one to read baby Joey a story and you have worked really hard to learn how to read.

You started ballet this year after being inspired by the nutcracker ballet that I took you to last year. You are doing so well! Sometimes you are really silly in class but you’re also very serious about learning the techniques and learning them well. You look so beautiful in your ballet attire!

To be continued…



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